The United Nations Global Compact turns fifteen this year. Built on a foundation of Ten Principles, the UN Global Compact is the largest corporate social responsibility initiative ever created in world history. Its development is a natural progression due to the increase of global business and communication one's car is built from parts pulled, created and designed in over 36 countries, the logistical systems are mind boggling.
The question of how to satisfy the cultural, social, and regulatory boundaries in a global world calls for a unifying framework for international businesses to use as a guide. Though used by some international enterprises as a shield to hide unethical practices, most businesses join as members of the UN Global Compact to show its support for the Ten Principles and a dedication to the development of better lives for all humans.
The question of compliance and enforcement becomes necessary to review the actual impact of the UN Global Compact on the world's businesses. Good management requires the development of a strategy, the planning and execution of the strategy, review and measurement of goal obtainment, and finally improvement on said strategy to fix issues, problems and criticisms. Therefore this paper will review the issue of compliance by members of the UN Global Compact and its effect on international business.
Global Impact, Corporate Social Responsibility, Logistics, Ethical/Unethical Practices.