Peter R. Butzloff, University of Maine, Orono, Maine, USA

Published in

Volume 13, Issue 1, p5-18, March 2013


The human race is experiencing an unprecedented period of dramatic combined global crises. Biodiversity reduction, economic market failure, climate change, and other disasters pose multiple threats to global civilization and the long term survival of the human species. Technology is now providing us the connectivity to combine human and non-human activities with new markets having underappreciated economic potential. A second-person leadership perspective is emerging to allow individuals and institutions to navigate workable bridges between the boundaries of biology, ecology, nanotechnology, neuroeconomics, and the creation of new economic prosperity. This is accompanied by a paradigm shift now taking place in a virtual forum over the internet. Non-human biological organisms may now be considered in a cooperative social framework, potentially also within human gaming communities, in a public cognitive process. Virtual human capital, science, animal ethics, business, and inter-species social benefit will combine a wide spectrum of emergent cultural elements to empower an interactive connection to nature through the internet that points to the development of a new ecological entrepreneurial strategy.


Ecological Economics, Extended Mind, Trans-humanism, Mind-machine Interface, Anthropocentrism, Technological Singularity

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