María Cristina Olivo Urrutia, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela

Published in

Volume 17, Issue 2, p43-56, October 2017


Almost daily in today’s globalized world we find stories in the means of communication about a series of scandals that are occurring not only in developed countries but also in under-developed ones with no continent escaping from legal claims against all types of professionals such as businessmen, researchers, athletes, politicians, directors of NPOs and others. One asks: What is the reason for this moral disaster? Is there any solution to the problem of corruption? Throughout this article and due to space limitation we shall succinctly analyze the causes and demonstrations of corruption and moral problems existing in today’s society and we will describe some of them. We shall present the fundamental aspects underlying subjectivism, utilitarianism and materialism that have saturated citizens of the entire world and of all social strata. Finally, we present the basic elements that may help to make people aware of this reality and clarify the importance of the purpose of the actions in order to avoid the degradation so that the path to maturity and happiness may be found in spite of limitations and frailties. If individual behavior is directed towards the common good and truth, the XXI century’s society may take a turn to improve.


Corruption, Ethics, Rectitude, Virtue, Reality

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