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Journal Title:Journal of International Finance and Economics
Journal ISSN:1555-6336
Journal E-ISSN:2378-864X
Publication Frequency:4 issues per year
Acceptance Rate:18% of submitted papers
Paper Review Process:As shown on

Volume 24, Issue 1 - Published in March of 2024, Deergha Raj, & Rao, S. P. Uma, & Boudreau, Denis (2024). DOES THE HIGHER CORPORATE INCOME TAX HURT THE ECONOMY?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 24(1), 5-12., Sakthivel, & Selvam, Murugesan, & Maniam, Balasundram, & Venkateswar, Sankaran (2024). CAN GOOGLE TREND SEARCH PREDICT STOCK MARKET? EVIDENCE FROM BSE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 24(1), 13-23., Mounther, & Barakat, Hussein (2024). DOES THE OVERREACTION HYPOTHESIS STAND THE TEST OF TIME ACROSS COMPARABLE DEVELOPED MARKETS: A TALE OF TWO CRISES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 24(1), 24-52., Philip J., & Zarb, Bert J., & Caudill, Donald W., & Jarrell, Adrian, & Griffin, Diane (2024). FASTEN YOUR SEATBELTS: CASH AND ACCRUAL-BASED DETERMINANTS OF EUROPEAN AND U.S. OPERATING INCOME. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 24(1), 53-65., Scott, & Latortue, Paul, & Welker, Adam (2024). THE DECOMPOSITION OF FINANCIAL INTERMEDIATION: THE CASE OF HAITI. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 24(1), 66-85., Ali Farhan, & Yüce, Ayse (2024). CROSS-BORDER ACQUISITIONS BY EMERGING COUNTRIES MULTINATIONALS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 24(1), 86-106., Xian (Sean), & Haque-Simu, Tahsina, & Simmonds, David, & Guha, Sanjib (2024). THE EFFECT OF MANAGERIAL HORIZON AND EXCESS CASH ON FIRM VALUE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 24(1), 107-117., Philip, & Lutey, Matt (2024). URANIUM & SUBSTITUTES: IMPLICATIONS FOR COMMODITY MARKETS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 24(1), 118-144., Rahul, & Verma, Priti (2024). TRUSTS IN FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND ASSET VALUATIONS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 24(1), 145-157.

Volume 24, Issue 2 - Published in June of 2024, Jae Young, & Choi, Youngran (2024). THE IMPACT OF CSR ADVERTISING AND PRODUCT ADVERTISING ON ABNORMAL STOCK RETURNS: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS USING EVENT STUDY METHODOLOGY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 24(2), 5-15., Steven, & Johnson, Bryan, & Wingender, John R. (2024). THE INFLUENCE OF ONLINE DISPLAY ADVERTISING ON SALES AND FIRM VALUE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 24(2), 16-28., Carl B., & Dondeti, V. Reddy, & Yener, Demir (2024). THE IMPACT OF FOREX CHANGES ON THE VALUATION OF MULTINATIONAL SUBSIDIARIES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 24(2), 29-38., Kashi, & Arvi, Leonard, & Winder, Robert (2024). IMPACT OF UKRAINE WAR ON THE CASH FLOW TRANSACTION RISKS OF MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS OPERATING IN DEVELOPED MARKETS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 24(2), 39-51.

Volume 23, Issue 1 - Published in March of 2023, John R., & Obonyo, Tirimba (2023). THE IMPACT OF TWITTER ON FIRM VALUE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(1), 5-19., Philip J., & Zarb, Bert J. (2023). SKY’S THE LIMIT? ACCRUAL AND CASH-BASED DETERMINANTS OF U.S. AND EUROPEAN AIRLINE MARKET VALUATION. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(1), 20-31., Deergha Raj, & Boudreaux, Denis, & Rao, S. P. Uma (2023). DOES LOWER CORPORATE INCOME TAX PROMOTE PRIVATE INVESTMENT?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(1), 32-40., Sivakumar, & Jayachandran, Chinnappa (2023). CONTEXTUALIZING THE IMPACT OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION AND TRAINING: MICRO, SMALL, AND MEDIUM SIZED ENTERPRISES (MSMEs) IN THE STATE OF TAMIL NADU, INDIA. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(1), 41-51., Dhamotharan, & Selvam, Murugesan, & Maniam, Balasundram (2023). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CORPORATE SOCIAL PERFORMANCE AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE – AN EXAMINATION OF FRIFP MODEL. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(1), 52-67., Chang Rong, & Li, Jiaxiang, & Yu, Fandi, & Li, Shilong (2023). RATIONALITY OF HOLDING US DOLLAR ASSETS BASED ON GLOBAL US DOLLAR LIQUIDITY STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATION: A NEW PERSPECTIVE ON ASSET ALLOCATION. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(1), 68-91., Meiying, & Sun, Megan Y. (2023). DOES CORPORATE SOCIAL IRRESPONSIBILITY REPUTATION AFFECT ACCOUNTING-RELATED LIQUIDITY RISK?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(1), 92-115., Sivakumar (2023). ENTREPRENEURSHIP ECOSYSTEMS IN THE EMERGING MARKETS: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF BRIC COUNTRIES COMPARED TO THE UNITED STATES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(1), 116-128., Sunder (2023). METRICS FOR SUSTAINABLE AVIATION FINANCE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(1), 129-141.

Volume 23, Issue 2 - Published in June of 2023, Rajib, & Abraham, Rebecca (2023). THE INFLUENCE OF FINANCIAL INCLUSION ON DIMENSIONS OF WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT: EVIDENCE FROM KERALA STATE, INDIA, AND CHITTAGONG DIVISION, BANGLADESH. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(2), 5-27., Baeyong (2023). MEASURING NATIONAL ECONOMIC WELL-BEING: REEVALUATING THE “MISERY INDEX”. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(2), 28-38., Chialing (2023). IMMIGRANT-FOUNDER FIRM, LAYOFF, AND FIRM PERFORMANCE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(2), 39-47., Sivakumar (2023). LESSONS FOR THE INDIAN BANKING INDUSTRY FROM THE BANK FAILURES IN THE UNITED STATES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(2), 48-58., Surender, & Pandian, J Rajendran, & Sharma, Hari (2023). BRICS EXCHANGE RATES IN THE POST-FINANCIAL CRISIS: AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(2), 59-68., Aditya R, & Elkassabgi, Ahmed, & Singh, Kuldeep, & Hunter, Debra, & Cochran, Loretta (2023). CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND CHOICE OF CAPITAL STRUCTURE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(2), 69-83., Philip J., & Zarb, Bert J. (2023). TAKING STOCK AND SIZING UP: A STUDY OF THE IMPACT OF IFRS 16 LEASES ON THE STOCK PRICE AND SIZE OF PUBLICLY-TRADED EUROPEAN AIRLINES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(2), 84-96., Leonard, & Manakyan, Herman, & Khazeh, Kashi (2023). ESTIMATED IMPACT OF UKRAINE WAR ON EXCHANGE RATE RISK OF MULTINATIONAL ENTERPRISES OPERATING IN EMERGING MARKETS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(2), 97-110., Charlie, & Ng, Chee K. (2023). PIN RISK IN OPTION SPREAD STRATEGIES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(2), 111-119.

Volume 23, Issue 3 - Published in October of 2023, Kwang Il, & Kim, In-Jae (2023). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OIL PRICES AND EQUITY VALUES IN THE ENERGY INDUSTRY: THE INFLUENCE OF ENDING U.S. OIL EXPORT BAN. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(3), 5-18., B. Brian, & Adams, Nicole, & Washington, Fred (2023). EARNINGS MANAGEMENT AND THE EPS INITIATIVE: BENEFITS OF ENGAGED SCHOLARSHIP. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(3), 19-29., Tanushree, & Misra, Anil (2023). FINANCIAL FRAUD DETECTION IN FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS USING TWO-LAYER-DEEP LEARNING AND SELF-IMPROVED HONEY BADGER ALGORITHM. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(3), 30-54., Yi, & Wang, Xiaoli, & Li, Rui (2023). VENTURE CAPITAL CROSS-INVESTMENT NETWORK COMMUNITY MOVEMENT AND INVESTMENT PERFORMANCE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(3), 55-69., Anthony, & Zarb, Bert J. (2023). A QUESTION OF VALUE – CASH FLOW AND CAPITAL STRUCTURE DETERMINANTS IN THE U.S. DEFENSE AND AEROSPACE INDUSTRIES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(3), 70-79., Ibrahim, & Alenezi, Marim, & Ahmed, Abdul Razak, & Salamatu, Zakaria (2023). THE ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES OF THE REDENOMINATED GHANA CEDI ON THE GHANAIAN ECONOMY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(3), 80-106.

Volume 23, Issue 4 - Published in December of 2023, Alexander, & Grainger, Michael J., & Moshkovich, Helen (2023). A HI-TECH FOUNDATION OF TAIWANESE ECONOMY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(4), 5-19., Ahmed, & Huang, Peng, & Wei, Wan, & Hunter, Debra (2023). THE EFFECTS OF GENDER DIVERSITY ON MONETARY POLICY AT THE FEDERAL RESERVE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(4), 20-27., Agim, & Gjini, Altin, & Widner, Benjamin (2023). INPUT SHOCKS WITH PUBLIC-PRIVATE SECTOR: REVISITING RYBCZYNSKI’S THEOREM. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(4), 28-39., Rebecca, & Bhimavarapu, Venkata Mrudula (2023). THE INFLUENCE OF CASH OWNERSHIP ON FIRM PERFORMANCE AMONG U.S. ACQUIRERS: ALTERNATE SIGNALING MECHANISMS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(4), 40-52., Arturo (2023). MARKET EFFECTS OF PRIVATE INVESTMENTS IN PUBLIC EQUITY: EVIDENCE FROM CANADIAN BOUGHT DEALS AND MARKETED BEST EFFORT OFFERS.. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(4), 53-64., Carl B., & Yener, Demir, & Dondeti, V. Reddy (2023). TESTING FOR THE DAY-OF-THE-WEEK EFFECT IN THE EURO TO U.S. DOLLAR EXCHANGE RATES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(4), 65-76., Keith A., & Nelson, Ashley J., & Wingender, John R. (2023). ESG RATINGS MATTER IN COVID-19 FINANCIAL MARKET CRISIS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(4), 77-91., Anh (2023). FIRM-LEVEL POLITICAL RISK AND EARNINGS SMOOTHING. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(4), 92-103., Sut (2023). AN INQUIRY INTO DOCUMENTARY MARITIME TRANSPORTATION. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(4), 104-114., Omar (2023). THE EFFECT OF MANAGERIAL MISCALIBRATION ON INVESTMENT AND OVERPAYMENT IN MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 23(4), 115-135.

Volume 22, Issue 1 - Published in March of 2022, Bert J. (2022). THE RELEVANCE OF CASH FLOW ON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE IN THE U.S. AIRLINE INDUSTRY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 22(1), 5-20., Jim, & Dondeti, V. Reddy, & Lewis, Thomas, & Wu, Edwin (2022). ONE WORLD, TWO BLOCS WILL THE FIERCE U.S.-CHINA TECHNOLOGICAL COLD WAR LEAD TO A DIVIDED WORLD?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 22(1), 21-35., Spuma, & Adhikari, Deergha Raj, & Boudreaux, Denis (2022). SUSTAINABLE FUNDS: DOES ACTIVE MANAGEMENT ADD VALUE?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 22(1), 36-51., Sonal, & Al-Kindi, Marwa Mohammed, & Ibrahim, Omer Ali (2022). DETERMINANTS OF INVESTMENT DECISION IN STOCK MARKET IN OMAN. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 22(1), 52-64., Sable, & Maniam, Balasundram (2022). CORPORATE FINANCIAL FRAUD. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 22(1), 65-75., Youngran, & Toppo, Ila P., & Raghavan, Vedapuri S. (2022). DOES FINTECH PAYMENT PROMOTE AIRLINE PERFORMANCE? EVIDENCE FROM WECHAT AND ALIPAY FOR A US-CHINA ROUTE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 22(1), 76-88.

Volume 22, Issue 2 - Published in June of 2022, Sut (2022). THE STRICT COMPLIANCE OF UNIFORM CUSTOMS AND PRACTICE AND LETTER OF CREDIT FOR INTERNATIONAL TRADE FINANCE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 22(2), 5-17., Kareem (2022). GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIES EFFECTS ON PRICE CHANGES AND SUPPLY IN THE HOUSING INDUSTRY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 22(2), 18-34., Umesh, & Huang, Biqing, & Painter, Brandon (2022). DOES MONEY TALK? EXAMINING FROM CURRENCY EXCHANGE RATES AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 22(2), 35-46., Victor, & Xie, Tianshu, & Saka, David, & Seaman, Cristina (2022). COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION: CORRELATION BETWEEN COSTCO'S MARKETING STRATEGY AND PROFIT. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 22(2), 47-55., Bala, & Lutey, Matthew, & Nelson, William (2022). DO ALTERNATE TECHNICAL TRADING RULES PRODUCE PROFITABLE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 22(2), 56-70., Timothy, & Huang, Peng (2022). ESTIMATING THE NPV OF A PAY-GO TAX INCREMENTAL FINANCING DEVELOPMENT NOTE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 22(2), 71-79., Sivakumar, & Bryant, Charles Edward (2022). THE TAIWAN BANKING SECTOR - THE IMPACT OF LIBERALIZATION AND MACRO ECONOMIC FACTORS. AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF TAIWAN. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 22(2), 80-96.

Volume 22, Issue 3 - Published in October of 2022, Sivakumar, & Bryant, Charles Edward (2022). ASIAN CLEARING UNION: A PERSPECTIVE ON ITS REACH, RELEVANCE AND FUTURE IN AN AGE OF MULTILATERAL REGIONAL COOPERATION. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 22(3), 5-17., Jim, & Banatte, Jean-Marie, & Lewis, Thomas F., & Wu, Edwin J. (2022). A NO RISK INVESTMENT THAT BEATS INFLATION. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 22(3), 18-27., Umesh (2022). THE IMPACT OF R&D INVESTMENT AND HIGH TECHNOLOGY GOODS EXPORTS BETWEEN THE U.S. AND CHINA. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 22(3), 28-37., Robert N., & Liston, Daniel Perez (2022). FLYING HIGH – INVESTING IN THE CANNABIS INDUSTRY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 22(3), 38-56., Sivakumar, & Fox, Daniel E., & Rumker, Terry E. (2022). THE IMMINENT NEED FOR PENSION REFORM IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: THE CASE OF BRAZIL AND INDIA. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 22(3), 57-68.

Volume 22, Issue 4 - Published in December of 2022, Arturo (2022). MARKET IMPACT OF COVID-19 TO ANNOUNCEMENTS OF CANADIAN EQUITY OFFERINGS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 22(4), 5-18., Agim (2022). PROPOSITIONS ON THE GAMES FIRMS PLAY WHEN DEMAND IS UNCERTAIN: PURE STRATEGIES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 22(4), 19-34., Philip J., & Zarb, Bert J. (2022). TURBULENCE AHEAD? A STUDY OF THE IMPACT OF IFRS 16 LEASES ON THE REPORTED LIQUIDITY OF PUBLICLY-TRADED EUROPEAN AIRLINES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 22(4), 35-45.

Volume 21, Issue 1 - Published in March of 2021, Rebecca, & Chinta, Ravi, & Tao, Zhi (2021). THE INFLUENCE OF EXCHANGE RATE REGIMES ON ECONOMIC GROWTH: A MULTICOUNTRY EXAMINATION. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 21(1), 5-22., Sonal, & Gadir, Sufian Eltayeb Mohamed Abdel-, & Ibrahim, Omer Ali (2021). MARGIN OF ECONOMIC FREEDOM IN THE GCC: IS IT ENOUGH TO ATTRACT FDI. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 21(1), 23-36., Ulugbek, & Izawa, Hiroshi (2021). DETERMINANTS OF ECONOMIC GROWTH IN UZBEKISTAN: INTERDEPENDENCE BETWEEN DEVELOPMENT OF FINANCIAL SYSTEM AND ECONOMIC GROWTH. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 21(1), 37-48., Dinakar, & Soni, Rishabh, & Mishra, Mridul, & Basu, Sankarshan (2021). EXAMINING THE IMPACT OF ETF INVESTMENTS ON DIFFERENT CHARACTERISTICS OF THE UNDERLYING STOCKS IN THE US. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 21(1), 49-69.

Volume 21, Issue 2 - Published in June of 2021, George, & Ackert, Lucy F. (2021). THE VALUE PREMIUM IS NOT DEAD IN CANADA. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 21(2), 5-19., Deergha Raj (2021). SHORT AND LONG-TERM IMPACTS OF US FISCAL STIMULUS ON US INCOME. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 21(2), 20-28., Jane Q., & Behrend, Matthew J., & Nketia, Joseph (2021). FINANCE COMMITTEE, FINANCIAL DECISIONS, AND FIRM PERFORMANCE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 21(2), 29-41., Alexi, & Yerger, David (2021). EXAMINING TESTS OF SIGMA AND BETA CONVERGENCE ACROSS STATES' FIREARM BACKGROUND CHECK RATES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 21(2), 42-53.

Volume 21, Issue 3 - Published in October of 2021, Megan Y., & Hukai, Dawn (2021). NOISE TRADING BEFORE AND AFTER REVERSE SPLITS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 21(3), 5-17., K. C., & Vasanthagopal, R., & Abraham, Rebecca (2021). VOCATIONAL SKILLS TRAINING FOR DEVELOPMENT: A CASE STUDY OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT THROUGH POLYTECHNICS PROGRAM. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 21(3), 18-34., Samuel Erasmus, & Matey, Juabin (2021). FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF MERGED AND DISTRESSED BANKS IN GHANA. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 21(3), 35-47., V. Reddy, & McGowan, Carl B., & Mohanty, Bidhu B. (2021). ESTIMATING THE ADDITIONAL FUNDS NEEDED (AFN) FOR CORPORATE GROWTH: A CONTINGENCY PLANNING APPROACH. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 21(3), 48-62., Matthew (2021). CLIENT PORTFOLIO IMPACT OF PARTNER IDENTITY REVEALS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 21(3), 63-80., Priti (2021). EXAMINING THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN BITCOIN, GOLD AND FINANCIAL ASSETS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 21(3), 81-90., Chandan Kumar, & Tapadia, Megha, & Sharma, Vivek, & Verma, Sunil Kumar (2021). INITIAL COIN OFFERING (ICO) – AN INNOVATIVE WAY TO FINANCE NEW VENTURES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 21(3), 91-105., Yudan (2021). FEMALE DIRECTOR, CEO COMPENSATION, AND EARNINGS MANAGEMENT. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 21(3), 106-132., Amalendu, & Yaman, Devrim (2021). HOW DID COVID-19 AFFECT THE CO-MOVEMENT OF THE WORLD’S LARGEST ECONOMIES?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 21(3), 133-150., Chiraphol N., & Pattanawihok, Siripen, & Prasarnphanich, Pattarawan (2021). CORPORATE BOARD LEADERSHIP AND EARNINGS INFORMATIVENESS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 21(3), 151-164.

Volume 21, Issue 4 - Published in December of 2021, Sathasivam, & Weisenfeld, Leslie, & Heilman, George E. (2021). PRACTITIONER OPINIONS ON IMPORTANT TECHNOLOGY RELATED TO DATA MANAGEMENT AND ANALYSIS SKILLS FOR THE ACCOUNTING CURRICULUM. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 21(4), 5-14., Onur, & Cook, Douglas (2021). IS LIQUIDITY ENDOGENOUSLY DETERMINED?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 21(4), 15-35., Philomena, & Obobi, Belinda Ameh (2021). FINANCIAL SECTOR TRANSPARENCY AND STABILITY IN AFRICA. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 21(4), 36-54., Rolando (2021). HOMOSCEDASTICITY OF THE GLOBAL CORRUPTION INDEX FOR THE TOP 10 AND BOTTOM 10 COUNTRIES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 21(4), 55-62.

Volume 20, Issue 1 - Published in March of 2020, Onur, & Samant, Ajay, & Yaman, Devrim (2020). OPERATING PERFORMANCE AND SEQUENCE OF CONVERTIBLE BONDS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 20(1), 5-16., Anne, & Chinta, Ravi, & Chandra, Ramdas (2020). U.S. HOSPITAL CHARGES IN MASTECTOMY: EMPIRICAL ANALYSES USING PATIENT, HOSPITAL AND TREATMENT VARIABLES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 20(1), 17-28., Jeff, & Taunque, Bani, & Kulkarni, Richa (2020). ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD: THE EFFECTS OF MATERIALISM, LUXURY PARTICIPATION, AND INCOME ON SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 20(1), 29-38., Ulugbek, & Izawa, Hiroshi (2020). DOES CORPORATE GOVERNANCE MATTER IN BANKING SECTOR SOUNDNESS? (AN EMPIRICAL STUDY ON UZBEKISTAN). Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 20(1), 39-52., Bert J. (2020). DO SIZE, DEBT, LIQUIDITY, CAPITAL STRUCTURE, AND CAPACITY AFFECT FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE IN U.S. LEGACY AND LOW-COST AIRLINE CARRIERS?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 20(1), 53-64., Vadivel, & Selvam, Murugesan, & Maniam, Balasundram (2020). MEASURING THE INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL EFFICIENCY OF INDIAN HOTELS LISTED IN NATIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE OF INDIA LTD USING E-VAIC MODEL. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 20(1), 65-72., Jeffrey J., & Chinta, Ravi R., & Jaramillo, Hailey (2020). ANALYSIS OF HOSPITAL CHARGES FOR HEART TRANSPLANTS IN THE US: AN EMPIRICAL COMPARISON ACROSS REGIONS AND YEARS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 20(1), 73-86.

Volume 20, Issue 2 - Published in June of 2020, Deergha Raj, & Boudreau, Denis, & Rao, S.P. Uma (2020). IS IMPORT TARIFF A RIGHT ANSWER TO NEGATIVE TRADE BALANCES?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 20(2), 5-14., Hock-Ann, & Phang, Mei-Syuen, & Alwi, Siti Fazilah, & Lee, Huay-Huay (2020). US MONETARY POLICY SHOCKS AND MACROECONOMIC FLUCTUATIONS IN MALAYSIA. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 20(2), 15-26., Ramzi, & Papadopoulos, Andrew, & Bouzinab, Kamal (2020). THE PRESENCE OF "CREATORS" INSIDE THE BOARDROOM: A VECTOR OF INNOVATION PERFORMANCE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 20(2), 27-38., Biqing, & Soldan, Justin, & Liu, Xiaowei (2020). INTERNATIONAL DIVERSIFICATION AND PORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE: AN EMPIRICAL EXAMPLE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 20(2), 39-50.

Volume 20, Issue 3 - Published in October of 2020, Marco (2020). UNDERSTANDING BANK MONEY THROUGH A QUANTUM MACROECONOMIC THEORY OF CREDIT. SOME THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS ON MICROCREDIT. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 20(3), 5-18., Hema, & Samy, Martin, & Jugurnath, Bhavish (2020). DO DOUBLE TAX TREATIES PROMOTE ECONOMIC GROWTH? EVIDENCE FROM AFRICA. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 20(3), 19-28., Jayen B. (2020). THE INDIAN STOCK MARKET AND POLITICAL CYCLES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 20(3), 29-44., Muhammed Basheer, & Vasanthagopal, R., & Abraham, Rebecca (2020). ACHIEVING FOOD SECURITY THROUGH RETAILING: A CASE STUDY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 20(3), 45-60., Xiaolou (2020). MARKET RISK AND MONETARY DYNAMICS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 20(3), 61-68., Bert J. (2020). DOES ACCOUNTING CONSERVATISM AFFECT SHAREHOLDER VALUE IN THE U.S. AIRLINE INDUSTRY?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 20(3), 69-80., Ulugbek, & Izawa, Hiroshi (2020). CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND COST OF EQUITY CAPITAL IN BANKING SECTOR: THE CAPM ANALYSIS ON UZBEKISTAN. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 20(3), 81-98.

Volume 20, Issue 4 - Published in December of 2020, Sunder, & Canella, Alfonso, & Sharma, Maneesh, & Mau, Ron (2020). UNLOCKING THE FINAL CODE TO MANAGING FINANCIAL RISK IN THE AIRLINE INDUSTRY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 20(4), 5-12., Anuradha, & Abraham, Rebecca, & Chinta, Ravi (2020). THE EFFECTS OF GREEN ENERGY ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, AND GREEN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ON NONGREEN WORK OUTCOMES IN SRI LANKA. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 20(4), 13-28., Michael J., & Mechitov, Alexander, & Moshkovich, Helen (2020). SINGAPORE'S MIRACLE: AN UNCONVENTIONAL STORY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 20(4), 29-44., Jim, & Gokus, Omer, & Colakoglu, Sidika N., & Wu, Edwin J. (2020). IS A DIGITAL GREAT WALL BEING BUILT BETWEEN THE U.S. AND CHINA?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 20(4), 45-56., Ronald W., & Hodges, Charles W., & Yoder, James A. (2020). THE IMPACT OF EXTREME RETURNS ON SWISS AND U.S. STOCK AND BOND PERFORMANCE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 20(4), 57-67., Neetu, & Nag, Raja, & Upadhyaya, Kamal P. (2020). AN EMPIRICAL REEXAMINATION OF INDIA'S CURRENCY DEVALUATION AND TRADE BALANCE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 20(4), 68-73.

Volume 19, Issue 1 - Published in March of 2019, Otavio (2019). TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION RATES IN THE US STEEL INDUSTRY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 19(1), 5-16., Ojoung, & Rahmatian, Sasan, & Iriberri, Alicia, & Wu, Zijian (2019). COMPARISON OF NEURAL NETWORK AND ORDINARY LEAST SQUARES MODELS IN FORECASTING CHINESE STOCK PRICES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 19(1), 17-32., Justin, & Maniam, Balasundram, & Leavell, Hadley (2019). COSTS AND BENEFITS OF LOWERING THE CORPORATE TAX RATE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 19(1), 33-44., Orose, & Bandyopadhyay, Subir (2019). DETERMINANTS OF BRAND LOYALTY IN INFLATIONARY TIMES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 19(1), 45-52., Hayat, & Jan, Muhammad Shabir, & Hu, Jincheng, & Khan, Itbar (2019). IMPACT OF GOVERNANCE ON FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN CONTEXT OF PAKISTAN. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 19(1), 53-64.

Volume 19, Issue 2 - Published in June of 2019, Marc (2019). SAUDI VISION 2030-LIFE EXPECTANCY, URBANIZATION AND WOMEN EDUCATION: WHICH COMES FIRST. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 19(2), 5-24., Abdulrahman Abdullah (2019). INVESTOR SENTIMENT AND STOCK INDEX RETURNS: THE CASE OF SAUDI STOCK EXCHANGE (TADAWUL). Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 19(2), 25-34., Zhu, & Ali, Fayyaz, & Lu-guang, Zhang (2019). SPURIOUS & INTENTIONAL HERDING BEHAVIOR IN PAKISTAN STOCK EXCHANGE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 19(2), 35-54., John Villavicencio, & Torrez, Jimmy (2019). EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION: WHAT DO WE KNOW?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 19(2), 55-66., Chaitanya, & Cosgrove, Michael (2019). A MODEL OF STOCK MARKET CORRECTIONS USING STATISTICAL MACHINE LEARNING. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 19(2), 67-78.Österlund, Urban (2019). INCONSISTENCY AND AMBIGUITY IN THE RESEARCH ON CAPITAL STRUCTURE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 19(2), 79-93.

Volume 19, Issue 3 - Published in October of 2019, Alexander, & Moshkovich, Helen, & Springer, Levi (2019). ECONOMIC SUCCESS STORY SOUTH KOREAN WAY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 19(3), 5-16., Sunder, & Churchill, Sloane (2019). ISLAMIC FINANCE AS AN ALTERNATIVE FUNDING SOURCE FOR AIRLINES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 19(3), 17-26., Ge, & Cai, Francis, & Xu, Lianzan (2019). INSTITUTIONAL TRADING AND STOCK PINNING. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 19(3), 27-38., Bala, & Wagué, Cheick, & Warrier, Parameswar Nandakumar (2019). CONVERGENCE CRITERIA FOR AFRICAN MONETARY UNIONS: BRINGING IN NON-ECONOMIC FACTORS AND COMPARING THE TURKISH CASE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 19(3), 39-50., Jae-Kwang, & Nwoye, Young D., & Ogwu, Alex I. (2019). INTEGRATION OF US, JAPAN, AND CHINA POWERS INTO KOREAN & TAIWANESE STOCK MARKETS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 19(3), 51-62., Deergha Raj, & Rao, S. P. Uma, & Boudreaux, Denis (2019). EFFECT OF IMPORT TARIFF ON A BILATERAL TRADE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 19(3), 63-70.

Volume 19, Issue 4 - Published in December of 2019, Kun, & O, Sewon (2019). BUDGETARY COMPARISON ANALYSIS- EVIDENCE FROM TEXAS MUNICIPALITIES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 19(4), 5-14., Devon, & Sanchez, Maria H. (2019). DOES CORPORATE LOBBYING CREATE POLITICAL CONNECTEDNESS TO HELP AVOID FOREIGN CORRUPT PRACTICES ACT ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 19(4), 15-24., Francis J. (2019). DOES INSTITUTIONAL INVESTMENT OWNERSHIP OF A COMPANY AFFECT THE STOCK PRICE WHEN COMPARED TO THE COMPANY'S PEERS?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 19(4), 25-36., Rebecca (2019). THE VALUATION OF OPTIONS ON FOREIGN EQUITY AND WARRANTS ON LDC DEBT IN SELECTED LATIN AMERICAN COUNTRIES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 19(4), 37-56., Darren, & Bartlett, James E., & Ogilvie, Kristie (2019). STUDENTS' PERCEPTION OF EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTION IN HUMAN RESOURCES HIGHER EDUCATION. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 19(4), 57-70., FU (2019). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INNOVATION ANTECEDENTS, INNOVATION PROCESS, AND FIRM PERFORMANCE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 19(4), 71-80., Shen, & Wei, Wan, & Huang, Peng, & Elkassabgi, Ahmed (2019). INFLUENCES OF MACROECONOMIC VARIABLES ON STOCK MARKET IN CHINA: AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 19(4), 81-93., S. Aun (2019). A STUDY OF VARIANCE OF TAIWAN AND SOUTH KOREAN STOCK INDEXES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 19(4), 94-104.

Volume 18, Issue 1 - Published in March of 2018, Duruibe Stanley (2018). DOES THE SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM IN THE USA DISTORT SAVINGS RATE?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(1), 5-12., Nataliia (2018). CRITERIA FOR OPTIMIZING THE STRUCTURE OF BUDGET EXPENDITURES IN UKRAINE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(1), 13-26., Alexander, & Moshkovich, Helen (2018). BRAZIL vs. RUSSIA: ECONOMIC PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(1), 27-34., Billy, & Leavell, Hadley, & Maniam, Balasundram (2018). WAYS TO AMELIORATE GENDER WAGE DISPARITIES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(1), 35-44., Devrim, & Bhunia, Amalendu (2018). SOUTHEAST ASIAN TIGERS AND ASIA'S LARGEST ECONOMY: INVESTMENT AND DIVERSIFICATION OPPORTUNITIES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(1), 45-60., S. Jeyan, & Kengatharan, Lingesiya (2018). DETERMINANTS OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF LICENSED DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL BANKS IN SRI LANKA. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(1), 61-70., Hari, & Raghavan, Sunder, & Sah, Nilesh (2018). DO OLDER CEOS FLY THEIR FIRMS HIGHER? EVIDENCE FROM THE AIRLINE INDUSTRY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(1), 71-80., Tricia Coxwell (2018). INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL INTEGRATION, INSTITUTIONAL QUALITY AND ECONOMIC GROWTH IN DEVELOPING AND EMERGING ECONOMIES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(1), 81-90., Jimmy (2018). DOES MORE INFORMATION IMPROVE THE EFFICIENCY OF SPORT GAMBLING MARKETS?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(1), 91-98., Kelly Yiyu, & Du, Wenti (2018). HOW TO APPLY VECM TO DETECT THE J-CURVE IN THE CASE OF JAPAN. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(1), 99-128.

Volume 18, Issue 2 - Published in June of 2018, James, & Kremling, Janine (2018). IS CALPERS, THE LARGEST OF THE NATIONS PENSION PLANS, INSOLVENT OR CAN IT BE FIXED?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(2), 5-18., A. Can (2018). EFFICIENCY OF BRENT INDEX AND FUTURES MARKETS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(2), 19-28., Keun H. (2018). ECONOMIC CRISIS: FINANCE-CONSTRAINED AND SPECULATIVE PROCESSES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(2), 29-40., Rafeeya, & Islam, Mohammad Saiful (2018). ELECTRONIC BANKING SERVICE QUALITY TO DRIVE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND LOYALTY: EVIDENCE FROM BANGLADESH. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(2), 41-48., Sunder, & Zarb, Bert (2018). IMPLICATIONS OF THE NEW ACCOUNTING CHANGES FOR AIRCRAFT LEASING. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(2), 49-58., Omar (2018). INTEGRATION AND EQUITY MARKET CO-MOVEMENT AMONG MIDDLE EASTERN ECONOMIES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(2), 59-74., Brenda (2018). DISCRIMINATION IN FINANCIAL BEAUTY CONTESTS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(2), 75-84., Eric (2018). CEO CASH COMPENSATION AND IPO UNDERPRICING. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(2), 85-93., Yilmaz, & Gavriletea, Marius Dan (2018). FINANCIAL INCLUSION AND ECONOMIC GROWTH: EVIDENCE FROM TRANSITION ECONOMIES OF EUROPEAN UNION. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(2), 95-100.

Volume 18, Issue 3 - Published in October of 2018, B Rajesh, & Saxena, Ravindra (2018). GROWTH STRATEGY AND VALUE CREATION AT CATERPILLAR - AN ANALYSIS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(3), 5-14., Eric C. (2018). METHODS OF PAYMENTS AND LONG-TERM ACQUIRING FIRM VALUATION DURING THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL MERGER WAVE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(3), 15-28., Kun, & O, Sewon (2018). ANALYSIS OF GEVERNMENTAL FUND PERFORMANCE: EVIDENCE FROM TEXAS MUNICIPALITIES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(3), 29-38., Nam H., & Nguyen, Anh M. Q. (2018). THE IMPACT OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT ON FOREIGN TRADE IN VIETNAM. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(3), 39-46., Emmanuel S., & Eweke, Gamaliel O. (2018). BANKS CREDIT AND MANUFACTURING SECTOR PERFORMANCE IN NIGERIA: A COMPARISON OF AUTOREGRESSIVE DISTRIBUTED LAG (ARDL) AND VECTOR ERROR CORRECTION MODEL (VECM) APPROACH. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(3), 47-64., Shen, & Wei, Wan, & Huang, Peng (2018). THE IMPACT OF MONETARY POLICY ON HOUSING PRICES IN CHINA. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(3), 65-76., Bhagaban, & Mandal, Sonik, & Swartz, Charles, & Guha, Sanjib (2018). HOW CEO WEALTH AND THE COMPOSITION OF THEIR WEALTH AFFECTS THE RISKINESS OF THE FIRM. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(3), 77-85.

Volume 18, Issue 4 - Published in December of 2018, Kanishka, & Goel, Sweta, & Bhatia, Prakash (2018). INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL REPORTING PRACTICES OF SELECTED INDIAN COMPANIES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(4), 5-18., Carina N., & Cagle, Julie A.B., & Balyeat, R. Brian (2018). YAHOO! FINANCE VS. BLOOMBERG BETA ESTIMATES: WHICH BETTER PREDICTS FUTURE RETURNS?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(4), 19-28., V. Reddy, & McGowan, Carl B., & Mohanty, Bidhu B. (2018). A STUDY OF THE MOST RECENT QUARTERLY RETURNS FROM THREE CRYPTOCURRENCIES WITH FOCUS ON THEIR SHORT-TERM AND LONG-TERM STABILITY AND VIABILITY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(4), 29-40., Rolando (2018). THE EFFECT OF DIRECTORS’ DIVERSITY AND CORPORATIONS’ FINANCIAL VARIABLES ON NATIONAL AND MULTINATIONAL OPERATIONS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(4), 41-48., S. Aun (2018). CAPTURING THE ASYMMETRIC IMPACT OF NEGATIVE VERSUS POSITIVE SHOCKS TO VOLATILITY OF A MAJOR INDEX. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(4), 49-58., Ajay, & Smith, Frank (2018). PREDICTING MIDTERM ELECTION RESULTS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(4), 59-68., Rumbidzai, & Berghausen, Stefan (2018). IMPACT OF STOCK MARKET FORCES ON SOVEREIGN BOND YIELD SPREADS: EVIDENCE FROM EUROPEAN MONETARY UNION BEFORE AND DURING THE EUROPEAN DEBT CRISIS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(4), 69-92., Pradeep, & Khan, Bilal Mustafa, & Mukherjee, P N (2018). FACTORS INFLUENCING FOOD & GROCERY PURCHASE DECISIONS IN INDIA. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(4), 93-114., Jayendra S. (2018). INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SYSTEM FAILURE AND VALUE OF AIRLINES: A CASE STUDY OF AIRLINES IN 2016. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 18(4), 116-133.

Volume 17, Issue 1 - Published in March of 2017, Marc, & Ali, Amjad (2017). ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION, ENERGY CONSUMPTION, POPULATION DENSITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN LEBANON: A TIME SERIES ANALYSIS (1971-2014). Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 17(1), 7-20., Zhao, & Qiao, Cong (2017). GENERAL DEVELOPMENT SITUATIONS OF CHINESE GOVERNMENT¬ GUIDE FUNDS AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GOVERNMENT¬ GUIDE FUNDS-TAKING SHAANXI PROVINCE AS AN EXAMPLE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 17(1), 21-34., R. Steven (2017). THE EFFECT OF DISCLOSING THE IDENTITY OF THE LEAD AUDIT PARTNER ON PERCEPTIONS OF AUDITOR INDEPENDENCE AND AUDIT QUALITY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 17(1), 35-42., Asta Dis, & Adalsteinsson, Gylfi Dalmann (2017). CREDIBILITY AND TRUST OF PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGERS IN ICELAND. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 17(1), 43-50., George, & Andreopoulos, Giuliana Campanelli, & Panayides, Alexandros (2017). SURROGACY IN THE US: THE ROLE OF MILITARY WIVES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 17(1), 51-56., Priti (2017). EXCHANGE RATES AND STOCK RETURNS – EVIDENCE FROM LATIN AMERICA. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 17(1), 57-64., Rached (2017). ALLIANCE PORTFOLIO, NETWORK STRUCTURE AND FIRM PERFORMANCE: A REVIEW AND FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 17(1), 65-78., Frank, & Aggarwal, Ajay (2017). RETIREMENT ANALYSIS – A SIMULATION APPROACH. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 17(1), 79-93.

Volume 17, Issue 2 - Published in October of 2017, Deergha Raj (2017). SHORT-TERM AND LONG-TERM IMPACT OF CURRENCY SWAP AGREEMENTS ON CHINESE ECONOMY: AN INTERVENTION ANALYSIS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 17(2), 7-14., Sunder (2017). MODELING AN AIRCRAFT LEASE TRANSACTION FOR A LESSOR. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 17(2), 15-20., Kelly Yiyu, & Du, Wenti (2017). THE IMPACT OF HIGH GOVERNMENT DEBT ON THE COUNTRY’S ECONOMIC GROWTH: AN EMPIRICAL CASE STUDY OF JAPAN. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 17(2), 21-52., Marius Dan, & Berinde, Sorin Romulus (2017). NEW CHANGES IN ROMANIAN M.T.P.L. MANDATORY INSURANCE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 17(2), 53-58., Jayen B. (2017). THE INVESTMENT PERFORMANCE OF HEALTHCARE STOCKS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 17(2), 59-68., James Thomas (2017). GLOBALIZATION AND ECONOMIC INTEGRATION - MODUS OPERANDI FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 17(2), 69-76., Chen-Miao, & Hodges, Charles W. (2017). FINANCIAL REPORTING RELEASE 48 AND BOND YIELD SPREADS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 17(2), 77-88.

Volume 17, Issue 3 - Published in December of 2017, Manoj, & Kanagaraj, A. (2017). EVENT STUDY ANALYSIS OF BREXIT'S IMPACT ON INDIAN STOCK MARKET. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 17(3), 7-28., Jae-Kwang, & Nwoye, Young D., & Ogwu, Alex I. (2017). FINANCIAL CONTAGION IN ASIAN EQUITY MARKETS BEFORE, DURING, AND AFTER THE 2008-9 FINANCIAL CRISIS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 17(3), 29-36., Brianna M., & McKinney, Ralph E., & Shao, Lawrence P. (2017). SELF-INFLICTED INJURIES: DESIGNATION FOR RISK ASSESSMENT OR COST AVOIDANCE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 17(3), 37-40., Sandip (2017). IMPACT OF THE RISK-FREE RATE ON REQUIRED RETURNS AND ALPHAS OF STOCKS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 17(3), 41-48., Doug, & Betzer, Sheri (2017). THE CASE OF THE SKIMMING PARTNER. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 17(3), 49-52., Chen (2017). THE QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION OF CHINA'S REAL ESTATE SINGLE POLICY: BASED ON THE INDEX OF PMC MODEL. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 17(3), 53-62., Saurabh (2017). PERFORMANCE OF RLBO COMPANIES: A PROPENSITY SCORE MATCHED NON-PARAMETRIC APPROACH. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 17(3), 63-74., Stephen, & Tsay, Wenyuh (2017). DELTA-RELATED RISKS OF HEDGED OPTION VOLATILITY TRADING EVEN WITH ACCURATE ESTIMATION OF THE VOLATILITY PREMIUM. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 17(3), 75-82., Iustin Atanasiu, & Luca, Ionut Traian, & Grigoras, Grigore Adrian (2017). AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY AND PERFORMANCES OF US ECONOMY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 17(3), 83-88., V. Reddy, & Joyner, Donald T., & Mohanty, Bidhu B. (2017). BITCOIN: IS IT AN INVESTMENT MIRACLE OR FINANCIAL BUBBLE? IS IT A MAGNET FOR CYBER THIEVES AND HACKERS OR A CONDUIT FOR FUNDING ILLICIT ACTIVITIES?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 17(3), 89-100., Tamer A., & Robertson, Tommy, & Chytraus, Bart, & Maniam, Balasundram (2017). THE CHALLENGES IN THE OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 17(3), 101-107.

Volume 16, Issue 1 - Published in May of 2016, Lei, & Wang, Zhimin (2016). IPO PERFORMANCE OF CHINA'S MID-CAP AND SMALL-CAP STOCKS: DO ACCOUNTING EARNINGS NUMBERS MATTER?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(1), 7-20., David Y. (2016). EFFECT OF PRIVATE DOMESTIC INVESTMENT ON THE U.S. TWIN DEFICITS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(1), 21-32., Powen, & Jiang, Jing (2016). SELF-SELECTION NATURE OF FAMILY CONTROL DECISION AND CORPORATE PERFORMANCE IN TAIWAN MARKET. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(1), 33-46., Supriya, & Phani, B.V. (2016). INFLUENCE OF GROUP DIVERSIFICATION ON THE UNDERPRICING OF INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERINGS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(1), 47-60., Nabil Al, & Mardini, Patrick (2016). MONETARY POLICY: TIME FOR OIL PRICE TARGETING?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(1), 61-72., Scheherazade S. (2016). MAPPING GLOBAL FINANCIAL RISK. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(1), 73-78., Mark Ray (2016). THE BEHAVIORAL CHARACTERISTICS OF VELOCITY MAY SOON LEAD TO A RISE IN INFLATION. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(1), 79-86., A.N., & Harjito, Agus, & Matemilola, B.T., & McGowan, Carl B. (2016). EFFECT OF REGIONAL VERSUS GLOBAL DIVERSIFICATION ON FIRM'S RISK. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(1), 87-96.

Volume 16, Issue 2 - Published in June of 2016, Bhavish, & Callicharan, V. (2016). FINANCIAL DISTRESS AND EARNINGS MANAGEMENT: EVIDENCE FROM MAURITIUS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(2), 7-30., Chaitanya, & Cosgrove, Michael (2016). VISUALIZATION OF EQUITY RETURN VARIABILITY AND THE FUNDS RATE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(2), 31-36., Yiping, & Ng, Jhony Choon Yeong, & Han, Yuling (2016). REGIONAL PRODUCTIVE FORCES DISTRIBUTION – A CASE STUDY ON CHINA'S JIANGSU PROVINCE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(2), 37-48., Mayank (2016). LOW RISK ANOMALY: INDIAN EVIDENCE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(2), 49-56., Jorge, & Hernandez, Rodrigo, & Carter, Michael (2016). THE SIZE OF UNDERWRITING SYNDICATES AND UNDERPRICING IN IPOS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(2), 57-62., Thirawat, & Chumkate, Jittapon, & Kulsawat, Teera (2016). THE STUDY OF COST AND PROFIT RELATED TO EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT OF REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT FOR HOUSING ESTATE IN THAILAND. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(2), 63-72., Eric C. (2016). CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND GLOBALIZATION IN THE BANKING SECTOR. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(2), 73-80., Micaela Sini (2016). “IT'S ON THE WEBSITE … HOW ITALIAN STATE UNIVERSITIES COMMUNICATE THEIR ANNUAL REPORT”. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(2), 81-95.

Volume 16, Issue 3 - Published in October of 2016, Brian (2016). INSTITUTIONS’ INVESTMENT HORIZON AND OPTIONS TRADING. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(3), 7-12., Charles W. (2016). AN EVALUATION OF THE 2016 U.S. PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN PROMISES OF BERNIE SANDERS, USING PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS, FINANCE, AND INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(3), 13-20., Bhavish, & Ruhomaun, M. (2016). THE IMPACT OF STOCK MARKET DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC GROWTH: THE CASE OF SUB SAHARAN AFRICA. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(3), 21-32., Marcelo Vidu Vendite de, & Pedreira, Emerson B., & Bona, Sergio De, & Santos, José Odálio dos (2016). INVESTMENT AND TECHNICAL APPRAISAL OF WEB PROJECTS ON SMALL RETAIL COMPANIES IN BRAZIL. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(3), 33-52., Sandip (2016). OPTIMAL PORTFOLIOS BASED ON DIFFERENT PERFORMANCE MEASURES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(3), 53-58., George (2016). POSITIVE FEEDBACK TRADING UNDER STOCK OWNERSHIP RESTRICTIONS: LESSONS FROM CHINESE A-SHARE AND B-SHARE MARKETS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(3), 59-70., Jim, & Dondeti, V. Reddy, & Papamarcos, Steven D. (2016). EXPLORING THE REAL MOTIVATION BEHIND CHINA’S DEVALUATION OF THE YUAN: WHY THE USUAL SUSPECTS MAY MASK A LONGER-TERM STRATEGY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(3), 71-84., Arthur, & Sharma, Hari (2016). ANALYSIS OF CREDIT CARDS, AUTOMOBILE LOANS AND MORTGAGE BACKED SECURITIES: PRIMARY MARKET RISK PERCEPTIONS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(3), 85-96., Xiaoli, & Simi, Wendy (2016). FLIGHT TO SAFETY AND QUALITY DURING RECESSION? AN INVESTIGATION OF EQUITY STRATEGY DURING RECESSION PERIODS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(3), 97-106., Kwang Woo (Ken) (2016). WHICH PRICE MOVES FIRST, CORN OR SOYBEANS?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(3), 107-112., Hans, & Singh, Harmeet (2016). EMPLOYER 401(K) CHANGES, MUTUAL FUND DISTRESS, AND MARKET EFFICIENCY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(3), 113-118., Richard S., & Jasso, Sean D. (2016). A PUBLIC POLICY ANALYSIS OF THE FINANCIAL WHISTLEBLOWER LAWS: THEORY AND APPLICATION OF THEIR GAINING MOMENTUM. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(3), 119-128., Shuozheng (2016). FINANCIAL INTERRELATION LEVEL AND TRADE IN CHINA. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 16(3), 129-134.

Volume 15, Issue 1 - Published in March of 2015, R. Steven (2015). DEMONSTRATED RELIGIOSITY AND THE PERCEIVED CREDIBILITY OF REPORTED CORPORATE EARNINGS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(1), 7-12., Kwangseek, & Zhou, Liandong (2015). A STUDY OF STRUCTURAL BALANCE IN STOCK PORTFOLIO GRAPHS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(1), 13-20., Christine, & Schultz, James, & Wood, Robert (2015). PRICE IMPACT ASYMMETRY DURING EXTREME MARKET CONDITIONS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(1), 21-32., Xiaoming (2015). EXPLAINING THE BEHAVIOR OF U.S. CONSUMER PRICES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(1), 33-44., Stefani V., & Erdinc, Didar (2015). THE DUTCH DISEASE, FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC GROWTH IN THE MANUFACTURING SECTOR: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN NORWAY AND THE UNITED KINGDOM. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(1), 45-66., Zaghum (2015). HOW APPRECIABLE IS THE POLICY OF APPRECIATING THE LOCAL CURRENCY: THE CASE OF PAK RUPEE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(1), 67-80.

Volume 15, Issue 2 - Published in June of 2015, Chin-Hong, & Tang, Maggie May-Jean, & Mansor, Shazali Abu, & Brahmana, R. (2015). DOES MONEY MATTER IN INDONESIA? REVISITING DIVISIA MONEY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(2), 7-12., Gokce Sinem (2015). ENVIRONMENTAL ACCOUNTING AND ITS RAPIDLY INCREASING IMPORTANCE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(2), 13-20., Jean (2015). GOVERNEMENT DEBT AND ECONOMIC GROWTH OF EURO-ZONE COUNTRIES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(2), 21-28., Tom (2015). PREDICTING CAPITAL FLOWS AND ASSET TRANSFERS IN THE G-20. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(2), 29-42., Kimberly A. (2015). BEYOND TERRITORIAL AND WORLDWIDE SYSTEMS OF TAXATION. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(2), 43-58., Min-Ming, & Baires, Areli, & Li, Yiyun, & Fuente, Aridai Martinez de la, & Zhao, Jingyu (2015). SHORT-TERM AND LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF UNCONVENTIONAL MONETARY POLICY ON THE EQUITY MARKET. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(2), 59-66., Jayendra, & Raghavan, Sunder (2015). EFFECT OF WEATHER DELAYS ON SHAREHOLDER VALUE: EVIDENCE FROM THE AIRLINE INDUSTRY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(2), 67-72., José L. B., & Matsumoto, Alberto S., & Fernandes, Taynara Castro, & Chagas, Paulo César (2015). UNCERTAINTY AVERSION IN INDIVIDUAL FINANCIAL DECISIONS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(2), 73-78., Dragos (2015). GERMAN AND AUSTRIAN CAPITAL IN THE ENERGY SECTOR IN TRANSYLVANIA AND ROMANIA. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(2), 79-84.

Volume 15, Issue 3 - Published in October of 2015, Syed Kumail Abbas, & Rubbaniy, Ghulame, & Naqvi, Bushra, & Hartog, Sander Den (2015). DOES CONTINENTAL TRADING CO-MOVE? A PRE, POST AND AMID FINANCIAL CRISIS ANALYSIS OF CDS, STOCK AND BOND MARKETS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(3), 7-22., Sandip (2015). MEAN-VARIANCE OPTIMAL PORTFOLIOS CONSIDERING SKEWNESS AND KURTOSIS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(3), 23-30., Wei, & Brusa, Jorge (2015). INTERNATIONALIZATION, CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND FIRM VALUE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(3), 31-36., Jose Luiz Barros, & Matsumoto, Alberto S., & Silva, Ricardo Goncalves da, & Araujo, Rafael (2015). ENTERPRISE RISK MANAGEMENT: A STUDY ABOUT THE LEVEL OF ERM IMPLEMENTATION IN BRAZILIAN COMPANIES ISSUING ADRs. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(3), 37-44., Charles W. (2015). A MONETARIST CRITIQUE OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE'S MONETARY POLICY IN THE 2008-2013 PERIOD IN RESPONSE TO THE GREAT RECESSION AND FINANCIAL CRISIS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(3), 45-50., Juan, & Maldonado-Guzman, Gonzalo, & Bargas-Baraza, Juan Antonio (2015). CAPITAL STRUCTURE OF CONSTRUCTION SECTOR IN MEXICO: PANEL DATA ANALYSIS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(3), 51-56., Larry J., & Chen, Han-Sheng, & Lin, Ying-Chou (2015). CREATING OPTIMAL MUTUAL FUND PORTFOLIOS USING EXCEL SOLVER. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(3), 57-64., Cheick, & Warrier, P. Nandakumar (2015). CONCENTRATION IN THE BANKING INDUSTRY - DETERMINANTS AND IMPACTS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(3), 65-80., Ghulame, & Murtaza, Muhammad Muzammal, & Shahzad, Khurram, & Perveen, Abida (2015). ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENTS REVISIT: APPRAISAL SMOOTHING BIAS, INFLATION HEDGING AND MEAN-VARIANCE EFFICIENCY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(3), 81-94., Uzell, & Williams, Glendon, & Djokic, Boris, & Cezair, Joan (2015). FINANCIAL LEADERSHIP, GLASS CEILING AND THE ROLE OF WOMEN CFO'S IN FORTUNE 500 COMPANIES FROM 2010 TO 2014.. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(3), 95-103., Sunday O. (2015). FINANCING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN DEVELOPING NATIONS: THE ROLE OF THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(3), 103-116.

Volume 15, Issue 4 - Published in December of 2015, Chia-Wei, & Yi, Bingsheng, & Lin, Jang-Shee Barry (2015). DOES ADOPTION OF COMPENSATION COMMITTEE BENEFIT SAHREHOLDERS? EVIDENCE FROM TAIWAN. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(4), 7-18., Eduardus (2015). PBV RATIO VALUATION MODEL ENHANCEMENT: EVIDENCE FROM S&P 500 COMPANIES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(4), 19-30., L V (2015). OPTIMAL WEIGHTS IN A PORTFOLIO: MOVING FROM A TWO-RISKY ASSET CASE TO MULTIPLE RISKY-ASSETS AND RISK-FREE SCENARIO. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(4), 31-36., Qian, & Xie, Henry Yu (2015). THE EFFECT OF SCAPEGOATING ON CEO COMPENSATION. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(4), 37-48., Sola (2015). FOREIGN CAPITAL, INVESTMENT, AGRICULTURAL EXPORT AND ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE IN SOME SELECTED ECOWAS STATES: A PANEL DATA ANALYSIS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(4), 49-66., Aimao, & Kersey, Scott (2015). RANKING OF FINANCIAL RATIOS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 15(4), 67-72.

Volume 14, Issue 1 - Published in March of 2014, El-Hussein (2014). MATERIALITY THRESHOLDS IN CONTINUOUS AUDITING: RESEARCH AGENDA AND TRAINING MATERIALS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(1), 7-26., Valeriy (2014). RESEARCH OF THE BUDGETARY RISKS IN RUSSIA. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(1), 27-38., Lei, & Yang, Hongwei (Chris), & Zhou, Lihui (2014). EXAMINING YOUNG CHINESE CONSUMERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF BANK’S CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(1), 39-53., Shadreck, & Mhere, Francis (2014). STOCK MARKETS AND ECONOMIC ACTIVITY IN ZIMBABWE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(1), 54-77., Allan, & Bryson, Taffi (2014). IS DSGE-VAR A USEFUL METHODOLOGY FOR CARIBBEAN FORECASTERS AND POLICYMAKERS?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(1), 78-91., Yanin, & Ngamtampong, Nantana (2014). THE ACCOUNTING DATABASE MANAGEMENT INFLUENCE ON FIRM SUCCESS: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF THAI-LISTED FIRMS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(1), 92-101., Litao, & Wu, Bo, & Ding, Renzhong (2014). THE CHANGE AND DETERMINANTS OF URBAN PRODUCTION EFFICIENCY: EVIDENCE FROM CHINESE CITIES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(1), 102-113., Dr. Frank S., & Agrawal, Dr. Ajay (2014). CAN THE STOCK MARKET PREDICT ELECTIONS BETTER THAN THE POLLS?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(1), 114-125., Yu Peng (2014). THE SCOPE AND STRUCTURE OF EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION IN CHINA AND THE U.S.. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(1), 126-141., David Y., & Li, Tongzhe (2014). HOW FINANCIAL CRISES AFFECT STOCK AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN THREE ASIAN COUNTRIES?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(1), 142-151., Ilhan, & Ding, Jie, & Gong, Linguo, & Meric, Gulser (2014). A COMPARISON OF THE FINANCIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF JAPANESE AND AUSTRALIAN MANUFACTURING FIRMS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(1), 152-158.

Volume 14, Issue 2 - Published in June of 2014, Raisul (2014). MAJOR SOUTH-EAST ASIAN STOCK MARKET INTERDEPENDENCE WITH US EXOGENITY: AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(2), 7-18., Jean, & Kim, Taewon, & Wen, Min-Ming (2014). DEFICIT, DEBT, BOND YIELD AND EURO-ZONE DEBT CRISES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(2), 19-24., Kanittha, & Ussahawanitchakit, Phaprukbaramee, & (2014). ORGANIZATIONAL FLEXIBILITY CAPABILITY AND FIRM PERFORMANCE: AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY BUSINESSES IN THAILAND. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(2), 25-44., Pankom, & Ussahawanitichakit, Phaprukbaramee, & (2014). STRATEGIC RENEWAL CAPABILITY AND BUSINESS SUCCESS: EVIDENCE FROM AUTO PARTS BUSINESSES IN THAILAND. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(2), 45-62., Jaruwan, & Ussahawanitchakit, Phaprukbaramee, & (2014). BRAND EQUITY ORIENTATION AND MARKETING PERFORMANCE: AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION OF FOODS SEASONING AND INGREDIENT BUSINESSES IN THAILAND. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(2), 63-80., Somjai, & Ussahawanitchakit, Phaprukebaramee, & (2014). MARKET-DRIVING STRATEGY AND MARKETING PERFORMANCE: AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION OF SOFTWARE BUSINESSES IN THAILAND. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(2), 81-98., Amarit, & Ussahawanitchakit, Phaprukbaramee, & (2014). EFFECTS OF BEST ACCOUNITING PRACTICE CAPABILITIES ON FIRM PERFORMANCE OF ACCOUNTING FIRMS IN THAILAND. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(2), 99-114., Laor, & Ussahawanitchakit, Phaprukbaramee (2014). INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL DISCLOSURE AND FIRM SURVIVAL: EVIDENCE FROM THAI-LISTED FIRMS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(2), 115-134., Kathy, & Gendron, Michael (2014). THE MARKET IMPACT OF THE ADOPTION OF THE DODD-FRANK ACT ON LARGE FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(2), 135-148., Dr. Osama M. (2014). INTERMEDIARY ROLE OF FDI IN NORTH AFRICA ECONOMIC GROWTH: CASE OF EGYPT. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(2), 149-160., Seerungrat, & Pongpanpattana, Jeeraporn (2014). INTERNAL AUDIT LEARNING ORIENTATION AND BUSINESS GOAL ACHIEVEMENT SUSTAINABILITY: AN EMPIRICAL EXAMINATION OF THAI-LISTED FIRMS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(2), 161-172., Ilir (2014). HOW DO AMERICAN EXPORTS TO JAPAN REACT TO EXCHANGE RATE VOLATILITY? A NONLINEAR ERROR CORRECTION INVESTIGATION. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(2), 173-184., Jun (2014). EXCESSIVE AUDIT FEES AND EARNINGS QUALITY: AN INTERNATIONAL STUDY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(2), 185-198., Pailin, & Chuebang, Pharnnapha, & Homphian, Nunmanus (2014). THE EFFECTS OF ACCOUNTING TOOLS EFFECTIVENESS OF THAI FOODS BUSINESS ON FIRM GROWTH. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(2), 199-212., Jayendra, & Raghavan, Sunder, & Tremblay, Victor J. (2014). THE EFFECT ON STOCKHOLDER’S WEALTH ON CRITICAL SYSTEMS FAILURE AND REMEDY: THE BOEING 787 CASE.. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(2), 213-220.

Volume 14, Issue 3 - Published in October of 2014, Brian, & Capon, Tim (2014). ENTICING FARMERS TO DO MORE: THE EFFECTS OF A FRAMED SUBSIDY ON GREENHOUSE GAS SEQUESTRATION EFFORT. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(3), 7-12., Nattawut, & Ussahawanitchakit, Phaprukbaramee, & Jhundra-Indra, Prathanporn (2014). EFFECTS OF CUSTOMER LEARNING CAPABILITY AND MARKETING PROFITABILITY: A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK . Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(3), 13-34., James, & Fudge, Marc, & Wart, Montgomery Van (2014). STRUCTURAL DRIVERS AND POLITICAL FACILITATORS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT BANKRUPTCY AND THE TROUBLING CASE OF CAPITAL APPRECIATION BONDS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(3), 35-50., Charles W. (2014). USING DEBT FINANCING TO INCREASE ONE’S WEALTH. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(3), 51-56., Naveen, & Paleczny, Jeffrey (2014). THE MYTH OF ALPHA RETURNS IN FOREIGN EQUITY INVESTMENTS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(3), 57-64., Sukasem, & Ussahawanitchakit, Phaprukbaramee, & Boonlua, Sutana (2014). AUDIT REVIEW PROFICIENCY AND AUDIT GOAL ACHIEVEMENT . Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(3), 65-84., Sandip (2014). OPTIMAL ASSET ALLOCATIONS IN DIFFERENT STAGES OF BUSINESS CYLES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(3), 85-90., Domingo Castelo, & Kang, Han Bin (2014). USING SIMULATION TO SUPPORT THE R&D DECISION OF A PHARMACEUTICAL FIRM. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(3), 91-114., Nakarn, & Janjarasjit, Supparak, & Ussahawanitchakit, Phaprukbaramee (2014). STRATEGIC AUDIT PROFESSIONAL COMMITMENT AND AUDIT SURVIVAL: A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(3), 115-134., Qian (Jane) (2014). REEXAMINING CEO DISMISSAL AND KEY CORPORATE GOVERNANCE CHARACTERISTICS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(3), 135-144., Tahi J. (2014). LINKING FDI INFLOWS TO COUNTRY INVESTMENT CLIMATE: A COMPARISON BETWEEN HIGH AND LOW PERFORMANCE COUNTRIES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(3), 145-156., Fung-Shine, & Jan, Ching-Lih (2014). AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS OF WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT AND CORPORATE PROFITABILITY . Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(3), 157-168.

Volume 14, Issue 4 - Published in October of 2014, Kumpanat, & Jhundra-indra, Pratanporn, & Muenthaisong, Kesinee (2014). STRATEGIC MARKETING FLEXIBILITY AND MARKETING OUTCOMES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(4), 7-20., Timothy, & Leavell, Hadley, & Maniam, Balasundram (2014). CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: SARBANES-OXLEY AND ITS EFFECTIVENESS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(4), 21-26., Mukdawan, & Janjarasjit, Suparak, & Ussahawanitichakit, Phaprukbaramee (2014). MODERN COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTING KNOWLEDGE AND JOB PERFORMANCE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(4), 27-44., Cristina, & Bazelais, Wesner, & Das, Nandita (2014). FINANCIAL LITERACY AND RETIREMENT PLANNING. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(4), 45-56., Prapaipit, & Janjarasjit, Supparak, & Raksong, Saranya (2014). PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING PRACTICE ORIENTATION AND FIRM GOAL ACHIEVEMENT. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(4), 57-70., S. Keith, & Jr., Benjamin B. Boozer, & III, Robert J. Landry (2014). NEW GASB STANDARDS ADDRESSING PUBLIC SECTOR RETIREMENT SYSTEMS: IMPACT ON FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(4), 71-80., Anantaporn, & Jhundra-indra, Pratanporn, & Raksong, Saranya (2014). SERVICE CREATIVITY STRATEGY AND BUSINESS PERFORMANCE: A MODERATING ROLE OF INNOVATIVE CULTURE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(4), 81-96., Li-Lin (Sunny), & Xie, Xinmei (Lucy), & Branson, Leonard (2014). EARNINGS MANAGEMENT IN POOR PERFORMERS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(4), 97-122., Liu, & Muller-Kahle, Maureen I., & Jiang, Crystal (2014). THE VALUE OF EARNINGS QUALITY IN EMERGING MARKETS: WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM DIFFERENT EARNINGS MANAGEMENT APPROACHES?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(4), 123-134., Daniel, & Lee, Tenpao, & Walker, Jay (2014). AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS OF THE U.S. FISCAL AND MONETARY POLICIES FOLLOWING THE FINANCIAL CRISIS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(4), 135-142., Fodil, & Hermassi, Nadia (2014). THE IMPACT OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE MECHANISMS ON PERFORMANCE: NEW EVIDENCE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(4), 143-152., George, & Andreopoulos, Giuliana Campanelli, & Panayides, Alexandros (2014). THE PRESIDENCY AND THE DEBT. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(4), 153-158., Kwang Woo (Ken), & Ha, Jong (2014). INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMATIC RISKS AND BUSINESS CYCLES IN US ECONOMY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 14(4), 159-167.

Volume 13, Issue 1 - Published in March of 2013, Arunee (2013). OWNERSHIP STRUCTURES AND DISCLOSURES: THE CASE OF THAI FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(1), 5-12., Ana Lúcia Borella, & Braga, Afonso Carlos, & Casas, Alexandre L. Las (2013). PERCEPTION OF MARKETING EXECUTIVES ON THE USE OF CO-CREATION AS A TOOL TO BREAK PARADIGMS IN THE AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY: FIAT MIO CASE STUDY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(1), 13-20., Jimmy (2013). THE STORY OF A PUERTO RICAN MUNICIPAL BOND MUTUAL FUND. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(1), 21-28., Alican (2013). SKILLS NEEDED FOR A GLOBAL ECONOMY: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR REBUILDING BUSINESS CURRICULUM. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(1), 29-34., Armand (2013). SURPRISE LEAVE ANNOUNCEMENTS: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND MONITORING BOARD PERFORMANCE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(1), 35-42.ón-De-Armas, Carlos A. (2013). THE “PRESIDENTIAL-ELECTION CYCLE”IN THE STOCK MARKET: THE END OF AN ANOMALY?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(1), 43-58., Praveen K., & Rao, S. P. Uma (2013). MONDAY EFFECT DURING DIFFERENT MARKET STATES: THE INTERNATIONAL EVIDENCE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(1), 59-66., Seetanah, & V, Sannassee R, & M, Lamport (2013). EXCHANGE RATE VOLATILITY AND EXPORTS: EVIDENCE FROM A SMALL OPEN ECONOMY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(1), 67-74., Bingsheng, & Besley, Scott, & Pantzalis, Christos (2013). INFORMATION ASYMMETRY, INFORMATION PRODUCTION, TYPES OF EXTERNAL FINANCING, AND POST-ISSUE PERFORMANCE . Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(1), 75-90., B B, & Rajvanshi, Vivek (2013). DETERMINANTS OF RETURN VOLATILITY: EVIDENCE FROM INDIAN COMMODITY FUTURES MARKET. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(1), 91-108., Alberto S., & Fernandes, José L. B., & Chagas, Paulo C., & Oliveira, Nathália A. B. (2013). OVERCONFIDENCE IN INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP INVESTMENT DECISIONS . Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(1), 109-114., M. Berk, & Yoon, Eunsang (2013). WHEN A MISMATCH IS REALLY A MATCH?: THE EFFECT OF INCONGRUITY ON ADVERTISING EFFECTIVENESS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(1), 115-124., Todd B., & Yerger, David B. (2013). IMPACT OF U.S. FINANCIAL SHOCKS UPON THE CANADIAN ECONOMY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(1), 125-130., Belayet (2013). PRODUCTIVITY AND EFFICIENCY OF MICRO ENTERPRISES IN BANGLADESH: RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF THE CONSTRAINTS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(1), 131-140., Svala (2013). THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CULTURAL INTELLIGENCE AND ADJUSTMENT AMONG NORDIC EXPATRIATES IN THE USA. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(1), 141-148., Francisco F. (2013). POSITIVE FINANCIAL IMPACT OF THE DREAM ACT. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(1), 149-153., Kiyoung, & Kim, Dong-Kyoon, & Yin, Haiyan (2013). DOES GLOBALIZATION INCREASE BANK EFFICIENCY AS MEASURED BY NET INTEREST MARGIN?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(1), 154-158., Byeongyong Paul, & Jeong, Jin-Gil (2013). DIVERSITY AND FIRM PERFORMANCE: AN ANALYSIS OF DIFFERENT LEVEL OF MANAGEMENT COMPOSITION. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(1), 159-167.

Volume 13, Issue 2 - Published in June of 2013, Dr. Elham (2013). USING THE CASE RESEARCH APPROACH IN UNDERSTANDING THE EFFECT OF MANAGING CHANGE THROUGH TECHNOLOGY TO ACHIEVING STRATEGIC COMPETITIVENESS IN PRIVATE BANKS: GAINS AND PERILS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(2), 5-20., Marius D. (2013). COMMUNICATION IN INSURANCE . Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(2), 21-26., Hsuan-Chu, & Chen, Wei-Jen (2013). CSR AND CORPORATE BORROWING RATES: EVIDENCE FROM TAIWAN ELECTRONIC INDUSTRY. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(2), 27-38., Ying, & Talay, M. Berk (2013). CONSUMER INTENTIONS TO SELL OVER THE INTERNET: ANTECEDENTS AND THE MODERATING EFFECTS OF CONSUMER INNOVATIVENESS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(2), 39-46., Dr. Vipul Kumar Singh (2013). COMPETENCY OF GARCH: EVIDENCE FROM RECENT FINANCIAL UPHEAVALS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(2), 47-64., Jean (2013). THE EXCHANGE RATE RISK, THE EURO, AND THE PRICNG OF EURO COUNTRY STOCK MARKET RETURNS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(2), 65-70., Alberto Shigueru, & Pinheiro, Carlos Alberto Orge (2013). THE USE OF DETRENDED FLUCTUATION ANALYSIS – DFA TO PORTFOLIOS FORMATION. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(2), 71-74., Alessandra (2013). CHINESE ACQUISITIONS AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE MADE IN ITALY LUXURY SECTOR. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(2), 75-82., Nunta, & Intakhan, Phaithun, & Thipwiwatpotjana, Suthira, & Limphaiboon, Charuwan (2013). CONFIRMATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS OF SUCCESSFUL “SAM MITI’ ACCOUNTING SYSTEM. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(2), 83-90., Vedapuri S. (2013). CONSOLIDATION IN THE AIRLINE INDUSTRY: THE DELTA-NORTHWEST MERGER. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(2), 91-98.

Volume 13, Issue 3 - Published in October of 2013, Mullika, & Ussahawanitchakit, Phapruke, & Jhundra-indra, Pratanporn (2013). VALUE CREATION STRATEGY AND MARKETING PERFORMANCE OF FOOD BUSINESSES IN THAILAND: AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ANTECEDENTS AND CONSEQUENCES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(3), 5-34., Jeeraporn, & Ussahawanitchakit, Phapruke, & Janjarasjit, Suparak (2013). INTERNAL AUDIT GOVERNANCE AND BUSINESS GOAL ACHIEVEMENT: AN EMPIRICAL EXAMINATION OF ELECTRONIC PARTS BUSINESSES IN THAILAND. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(3), 35-58., Luciana Cardoso Siqueira, & Neto, Sigismundo Bialoskorski (2013). AN ANALYSIS OF EXTERNAL AUDIT PRACTICES IN AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVES IN BRAZIL. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(3), 59-76.Çekrezi, Anila, & Kukeli, Agim (2013). CAPITAL STRUCTURE AND FIRM PERFORMANCE: A CASE OF SMALL NON-LISTED COMMERCIAL FIRMS.. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(3), 77-86., Orhan (2013). EXCHANGE RATE VOLATILITY AND TRADE FLOWS BETWEEN KOREA AND THE U.S. . Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(3), 87-98., Prakash (2013). PRICING, COST STRUCTURE, AND CASH FLOW. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(3), 99-104., Siddharth, & Arvi, Leonard, & Jha, Anand (2013). RATE OF RETURN AND INFORMATION ASYMMETRY AROUND MULTIPLE RESTATEMENT FIRMS . Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(3), 105-114., Hongxia, & Hsieh, Chialing (2013). TRADING BEHAVIOR OF INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS AND LAYOFFS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(3), 115-124., Xinmei, & Liu, Lilin (2013). AGGREGATE ANALYSTS’ REVISIONS AND MARKET REACTION. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(3), 125-152., Song-ling, & Liu, Ting-li, & Xu, Duan, & Dong, Xiang-lan (2013). SENIOR MANAGERS’ SHARE HOLDING REDUCTION: CAUSES AND EXPLANATIONS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(3), 153-162., George (2013). GOLD STOCK MARKET: A REFUGE FOR RATIONAL OR NOISE TRADERS? EVIDENCE FROM SOUTH AFRICAN GOLD STOCK RETURNS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(3), 163-174., Greg M. (2013). A CRITICAL SURVEY OF RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN CAPITAL FLOW THEORY AND MACROPRUDENTIAL POLICY: CONTRIBUTIONS TO CRISIS PREDEICTION. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(3), 175-182.

Volume 13, Issue 4 - Published in October of 2013, Prasad, & Brusa, Jorge, & Camacho, Pablo (2013). THE EFFECT OF CROSS-LISTING ON CEO TURNOVER. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(4), 5-10., Fábio Vogelaar, & Junior, Tabajara Pimenta, & Lima, Fabiano Guasti (2013). A STUDY ON THE DAY OF THE WEEK EFFECT IN THE FOUR MAJOR CAPITALS MARKETS OF THE AMERICAS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(4), 11-20., V. Reddy, & Mohanty, Bidhu B. (2013). AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF THE DISTRIBUTIONS OF THE REVENUES AND PROFITS OF FORTUNE 1000 COMPANIES WITH FOCUS ON PARETO’S LAW, ZIPF’S LAW, AND GINI INDEX . Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(4), 21-34., Eric (2013). CAPITAL INVESTMENT, DISCRETIONARY ACCRUALS AND MANAGERIAL MYOPIA. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(4), 35-42., Charles W. (2013). WILL THE NEW BANKING REGULATIONS PREVENT THE NEXT U.S. FINANCIAL CRISIS?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(4), 43-48., Tammie X., & Lubwama, Christopher, & Pan, Fung-Shine (2013). IN RETROSPECT: AN EARLY 2000 AFFORDABILITY ANALYSIS OF HOUSE PRICES IN THE SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA . Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(4), 49-56., Jayen B. (2013). RETURNS AND CORRELATIONS OF INDIAN SECTOR STOCK INDICES. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(4), 57-70., Jong-Hwan, & Refalo, James (2013). HOW IS QUANTITATIVE EASING DIFFERENT FROM OPERATION TWIST? A LOOK AT THE ANNOUNCEMENT EFFECT ON BROAD STOCK INDEX AND GOLD PRICE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(4), 71-76., Raja Vinesh, & Seetanah, Boopen, & Ramma, Kesma, & Lamport, Matthew John (2013). PRODUCTIVITY SPILLOVERS FROM FDI A PVAR APPROACH. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(4), 77-86., Mark, & Truong, Tri, & Wen, Min-Ming (2013). BANK’S PERFORMANCE, THE USE OF CREDIT DERIVATIVES AND FINANCIAL CRISIS: CASES OF CITIGROUP AND J.P. MORGAN CHASE & CO . Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(4), 87-92., Qian, & Xie, Yu Henry (2013). DIRECTOR COMPENSATION AND EXECUTIVE DISMISSALS. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(4), 93-106., Burhan F., & Rezayat, Fahimeh (2013). MARKET VOLATILITY: A STUDY OF EQUITY MARKETS OF USA, CANADA, GERMANY AND CHINA. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(4), 107-122., Bingsheng, & Chen, Chia-Wei, & Zhao, Meng (2013). DIRECTORS’ AND OFFICERS’ LIABILITY INSURANCE AND COST OF DEBT. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(4), 123-130., Yan (2013). CHINESE ECONOMY, AN ECONOMIC MIRACLE FOR MORE DECADES IN THE FUTURE. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(4), 131-136., Greg, & Maniam, Balasundram, & Leavell, Hadley (2013). BRIC: OVERVIEW AND FUTURE OUTLOOK. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(4), 137-144., Francis, & Matindike, Shadreck, & Mugwati, Miriam (2013). “REVENUE-SPEND” OR “SPEND-REVENUE” HYPOTHESISES. THE ZIMBABWEAN EXPERIENCE.. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(4), 145-152., Fodil (2013). CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND PERFORMANCE: THE WEAKEST LINK?. Journal of International Finance and Economics®, 13(4), 153-161.



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